Yoga for Self-healing

20 Minutes of Yoga Helps Reduce Stress

A study published in the journal Health Education & Behavior found that 20 minutes of yoga poses and meditation are more than sufficient to reduce 10% stress levels, improve sleep quality, ease anxiety and sharpen attention.

Simple exercises itself can change the way you see the stress, which can make a big difference in the way of experiencing everyday.

The vortex and fast pace that characterize modern times people can generate a range of symptoms such as stress, difficulty making decisions, feelings of confusion, muscle tension and anxiety. However, there are methods and tools such as training yoga, meditation, breathing and RPGs. that help improve the quality of life and reduce this negative feelings.

Fortunately, there is growing awareness that it is necessary to integrate all our dimensions: mental, physical, emotional and language if we want to live fully. "
You can not change the facts, but how to look at and behavioral habits. That's where yoga and meditation works. Yoga allows people to find their center and change the way of looking, reading and understanding the world, the history and life situations.

A recent research, conducted for 8 weeks by professors at the University of Oregon Health and Science on 53 people, shows that practicing yoga patients' sleep disturbances decreased by 23.9%; depression , by 41.5%, memory loss, by 25.2%, and anxiety, in 42.2 percent. "
If yoga can be good for us then why not try?
Many times when you are depressed, stressed, tired, you tend to want to rest, to be still and lack of desire for exercise diminishes. Practicing yoga poses helps you feel better and release toxins from our body, the body not only gets toxins through what is eaten or used products, but also through our thoughts and lifestyle in general, so come many diseases. The best way to eliminate fatigue is to exercise, our body is clean and you get better oxygenation, also allowing better regeneration of cells and obtain a better quality of sleep. Meditation will help us be less disturbing thoughts, having a calmer mind, within many other benefits.


To learn more about Yoga Click Here.

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