Friday 28 September 2012

Yoga Positions-The COBRA

Steps of the Yoga Positions/Position:

Lying on the stomach
Hands to shoulder height,
forearms on the floor, elbows along the body
Legs and feet together

Chin on the ground.

Slowly lift your head as shown in the Image.
Keep arms parallel
Keep the feet joints.

Do not release the basin floor.

Reject well head back when you are arched.

Back to the starting position
Relax completely before restarting.

Benefits of the Yoga Positions/position:

Strengthens ligaments of the spine.
Tones the endocrine glands such as the thyroid.
Prevents and cures constipation.
Promotes kidney function.



Some Yoga Poses have contradictions. One should not practice the Cobra if he/she has hyperthyroidism or High blood pressure or Cardiac Disorders.


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