Sunday 30 September 2012

Friday 28 September 2012

Yoga Positions-The COBRA

Steps of the Yoga Positions/Position:

Lying on the stomach
Hands to shoulder height,
forearms on the floor, elbows along the body
Legs and feet together

Chin on the ground.

Slowly lift your head as shown in the Image.
Keep arms parallel
Keep the feet joints.

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Yoga-Sun Salutation

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Yoga-Sun Salutation:     Sun Salutations are actually a combination of different Yoga Poses. Intention Though San Salutations are not con...

Thursday 27 September 2012

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Adho mukha svanasana

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Adho mukha svanasana: AH-doh MOO-kuh shvah-NAWS-annah ADHO= downwards, MUKHA= face, SVANA= dog; DOWNWARD FACING DOG POSE Downward Facing Dog Pose is ...

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Yoga to Strengthen Your Back

Back pain is one of the most frequent diseases in the world. According to a report by the Global Occupational Health Network, low back pain is one of the most common disorders, as more than 85% of the working population is affected by it at least once in life. There are some alternative treatment approaches to conventional approach and one of them is working out with yoga.

Yoga offers a combination of physical and mental concentration, which helps the treatment of back pain. "Yoga is finding the perfect balance between body, mind and spirit" explains Fonseca Pilar naturopath.

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Parighasana

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Parighasana: Par-ee-GOSS-ah-nah PARIGHA=beam (for shutting gate) GATE POSE     Gate pose is one of the most common Yoga Poses. Beginners w...

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Welcome Message

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Welcome Message: Learn Yoga Poses with the most informative Yoga blog! We are going to make this blog one of the most resourceful Yoga blog. There are di...

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Welcome Message

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Welcome Message: Learn Yoga Poses with the most informative Yoga blog! We are going to make this blog one of the most resourceful Yoga blog. There are di...

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Cat Pose

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Cat Pose: BID-i-LASS-ah-nah; cat/cow pose Cat Pose is one of the most common Yoga Poses. Beginners who want to learn Yoga Poses can e...

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Chaturanga dandasana

Most Effective Yoga Poses: Chaturanga dandasana: Chaht-tour-ANG-ah don-DAHS-ah-nah – four-limbed staff pose CHATUR= four; ANGA= limb; DANDA= a stick or staff     Four-limbed staf...